Feast of Success


How Blue Mesa Grill’s Thanksgiving Feast Boosted Revenue

Last year, Blue Mesa Grill led the way in capitalizing on special occasions and holidays to give a strategic boost to its revenue. With bold southwestern flavors and an artisan approach to cooking, Blue Mesa Grill has always been a go-to for freshly made Mexican cuisine. But on special occasions, they cook up something extra special, and the results are nothing short of spectacular!

A Fiesta of Flavors for Thanksgiving

Last November, Blue Mesa Grill decided to spice things up with a Thanksgiving special catering menu. Think of all your traditional favorites, but with a twist that only Blue Mesa Grill can deliver. The menu featured a Thanksgiving Holiday Dinner Pack available for gatherings of all sizes making this vibrant celebration of flavors a huge hit for all!

Turning Feasts into Profits

The special Thanksgiving catering menu turned out to be a recipe for success! Blue Mesa Grill saw a whopping 350% increase in orders and a 220% boost in revenue in November compared to October. Now, that’s something to be thankful for!

But the real cherry on top (or should we say, salsa on top) was that 64% of these orders and 53% of the revenue came directly from the Thanksgiving special menu. It’s clear that leveraging special days and occasions can turn your restaurant business into a well-oiled, revenue-generating machine.

Why It Works

Why did Blue Mesa Grill’s Thanksgiving special work so well? It’s simple. Thanksgiving is all about large gatherings and indulging in a lavish meal. By offering a specialized catering menu, Blue Mesa Grill tapped into the holiday spirit and provided a convenient, delicious option for families and friends to enjoy without the hassle of cooking.

Lessons for Your Business

So, what can we learn from Blue Mesa Grill’s mouth-watering success? Here are a few spicy tips to chew on:

  1. Capitalize on Special Occasions: Whether it’s Thanksgiving, Christmas, or Game day, special days are perfect for creating themed menus that attract customers.

  2. Promote Catering Services: Special occasions often mean large gatherings. Offering catering services can significantly boost your orders and revenue.

  3. Get Creative with Menus: Don’t be afraid to add a unique twist to traditional dishes and embrace holidays not typically associated with your cuisine. It makes your offering stand out and gives customers a reason to choose your restaurant over others.

  4. Market Early and Effectively: Make sure your customers know about your special menus well in advance. Use social media, email newsletters, and in-store promotions to spread the word.

Wrapping It Up

Blue Mesa Grill’s special menu resonated with the holiday spirit and not only delighted their customers but also boosted their bottom line. So, the next time you’re thinking about how to increase your restaurant’s revenue, take a leaf out of Blue Mesa Grill’s book and cook up something special for those big occasions. After all, a little creativity and a lot of flavor can go a long way!

Ready to give your business a taste of success? Connect with a Zuppler Specialist to plan your special catering menu today!

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