Webinar: Transform Your In-store Operations With Kiosk Ordering


We recently wrapped up our webinar, “Transform Your In-store Operations With Kiosk Ordering,” where we explored the benefits of kiosk ordering for your business. From reducing wait times and easing staff workload to enhancing customer satisfaction, the session covered how kiosks can make a real impact. We also introduced our top-of-the-line kiosk models and their powerful features designed to support your business needs. To learn more, watch the webinar recording and explore the insights from our Q&A session!

Webinar Recording

Watch the full session where we dive deep into kiosk ordering and its impact on in-store efficiency.


Q&A Highlights

Discover key questions and answers from the webinar, covering benefits, implementation, and expert recommendations.

Q: How is cash handled?

A: Cash would be paid at the counter.

Q: Does the Kiosk connect to a Zuppler account?

A: It does. The account would still be managed in Zuppler.

Q: We integrate with Toast for our POS and all payments go through Toast. Would we be able to have no payment on the Kiosk so they can pay on Toast?

A: We can send the Kiosk order over to Toast. For payment, we can have a 'pay at counter' option so that the customer can pay through Toast.

Q: Which hardware do you recommend for different types? For example, who would the Kiosk Pro be best for and Kiosk lite be best for?

A: If you have limited space, I would recommend the Pro as it has a slightly smaller screen than the Lite. They operate the same way and can both be mounted on the wall, and the Pro has a stand to have it positioned anywhere within the restaurant. 

Q: Does it support Android and Apple Pay?

A: Google and Apple Pay are not supported yet, but it is coming in the near future.

Q:Is there an up charge for Pro?  If not, how do we connect payment to the “regular” terminal?

A: We have payment terminals that we can connect to the regular terminal.

Q: Are you able to integrate with Revel, Toast, Square and PAR/Brink?

A: Yes, we are able to sync the menus from Revel, Toast, Square and PAR/Brink with the Kiosk and push orders back to the POS.

Q: When I was asking a question about the Zuppler account for online ordering, it was in regards to stored cards and stored/previous orders.

A: Stored cards would not be tied to the Kiosk. The customer can insert, swipe or tap their card on the terminal. The orders would be stored in the history on their Zuppler account. Zuppler loyalty is also tied to both online ordering and the Kiosk for that user.

Q: Are any restaurants currently using your Kiosk? If so, how has it helped their business?

A: Yes, we have several that are using the Kiosks. They have been efficient in line busting, utilizing staff in other areas of the restaurant, and upselling the customers as they are in charge of their order. 

Q: Is there an ability to assign a number to the order for the customer to take to their table - other options for pairing the order with the customer?

A: Yes, an order number can be tied to that order, if the user would like the food brought to the table.

Q: Do you integrate with Olo?

A: We do not integrate with Olo.

Q: Is the 25 cent charge per transaction for credit card processing or per order regardless?

A: This is for the transaction, it does not relate to the credit card processing fees.

Q: Am I able to get more than one Kiosk for free? How quickly will it take to get it set up and sent to my  restaurant for customers to start using?

A: Yes, you are able to obtain more than one Kiosk at no cost with each 1 year service agreement. It will take us a few weeks to set up as we configure the menu, test the flow to the POS, and ship it to you.

Q: Is that $100 per month per Kiosk then?

A: Correct, it is $99 per month, per Kiosk with a $.25 per order fee. 

Q: Also, is there an additional charge for the POS integration?

A: Yes, to integrate to a POS there is a $30 per month charge. 

Q: If we already use Zuppler online, are they connected or stand alone?

A: They would be connected. Menus would be managed in one place.

Q: How would this work if you can't integrate with the POS?

A: If the restaurant uses a POS we do not integrate with, we can provide a printer for the orders to print out on.

Q: If we are already integrating with Toast would we pay an additional $30 per month?

A: There is an additional fee from Toast to integrate with Zuppler for Kiosk and online ordering as we are another channel. 

Q: When an order is placed on a Kiosk will it print on our current POS same as Zuppler?

A: Yes, the orders placed on the Kiosk will also print out on the POS.

Q: Do you integrate with Punchh Loyalty?

A: We have an integration with Punchh Loyalty for our online ordering. Currently, Punchh Loyalty would not work with the Kiosk. We do have our own Zuppler Loyalty solution that works for both online ordering and the Kiosk.

Q: My restaurant is more of a dine-in establishment but I wonder if it would be convenient to have one Kiosk if people want to come in and order takeout while they wait at the bar or walk around town. Do you think that would work?

A: That would definitely work! Customers can come in and place their order and then walk around until they are notified that their order is ready for pickup.

Q: Any integration with Fivestar loyalty?

A: We do not have an integration with Fivestar loyalty.

Q:What are Zuppler's predictions on Kiosk ordering for the near future? Are you predicting this to be popular for restaurants and something they need?

A: Yes, we have seen a lot of data around the benefits of Kiosk ordering and increasing efficiency within the restaurant. Restaurants are looking for ways to streamline their customer's ordering when they walk in, and Kiosks are a great way to do so.

Q: Will we be able to manage pictures and or sales or promo?

A: Pictures are supported on the Kiosk. Promos are not yet supported for the Kiosk, but are on the roadmap for the future.

Q: Is there a different pricing for the Pro?

A: The Pro and the Lite both have a monthly fee of $99 per month, per device and a $.25 charge per transaction. There is a difference in price if purchased outside of the promo period. 

Q: Are both the Pro and Lite versions free?

A: Yes, both the Pro and Lite versions are free with this offer—there’s no upfront cost.

Q: Once we get a Kiosk we will want to give a discount for the first month. Are you saying we are unable to?

A: Not currently. We are working on supporting promos and discounts for the Kiosk.

Q: What is the normal cost after this offer expires?

A: The Pro costs $1,500 and the Lite costs $750.

Q: I’d love to try Kiosk ordering! But what if after a year I am not seeing it work for my business? Can I cancel the Kiosk? Who would pick up the hardware?

A: If after the initial year, you are not happy with the Kiosk, you will be able to cancel the services with Zuppler. We would work with you to ship the Kiosk back to us.

We hope these insights help you take your in-store operations to the next level. If you have any further questions, please schedule a call with one of our Ordering Specialists to learn more!

Zuppler Inc