How to effectively manage your contactless, curbside and delivery orders


Effectively managing your contactless curbside takeout and delivery orders is imperative, especially as the demand and popularity for these service types increase. Here are a few tips on how to effectively manage these services within Zuppler:


Utilize Zuppler’s SMS Customer Notifications

Trigger text message with instructions for curbside order.
When a customer places a curbside pickup order, in addition to sending pickup instructions in their order confirmation email, send them a text message letting them know what they should do when they arrive curbside.

"Park at the lot next to the restaurant and text xxx-xxx-xxxx informing us that you have arrived and where you have parked."

Trigger text message when food is ready for pickup
When the order is ready, you can mark it as "Prepared" using our OrderZupp app. This can send another text to the customer letting them know that your staff is bringing the food out so they can be in the lookout.

Sending text messages to your customers can help to ensure that your guests are seeing your communication which will help create a smooth transaction and guest experience.

Zuppler’s SMS Customer Notifications are completely customizable so that you can create the proper messaging to effectively communicate direction and order updates to your customers. [ $199 to setup the SMS workflow and $0.05 per SMS.}


Enhance Delivery with Zuppler’s new Dispatch App - QuestTag, an easy dispatch system with driver app and live tracking.

If your restaurant provides its own delivery, has its own drivers, and receives decent delivery volume, we highly recommend using our newest integration, QuestTag. With QuestTag you can easily dispatch deliveries and have your drivers use the app to fulfill delivery orders.

Here are the benefits that this integration brings to help your business effectively manage contactless delivery/delivery orders:

  1. Easy and automatic dispatching - no more manually dispatching to drivers.

  2. View orders, customer info, pickup/delivery location, delivery status, driver location, and order completion ETA all in one place.

  3. Receive alerts if an order is running late

  4. Keeps customers informed with real time delivery tracking and text notifications.

  5. Create easier deliveries for your drivers by having orders sent straight to their QuestTag delivery app with order details, delivery instructions, and customer information.

  6. Allows your drivers to easily accept or reject orders, prioritize deliveries, and show proof of delivery with photo and signature.

  7. Get more insight on your delivery with downloadable driver reports, earnings, tips, delivery fees, etc via QuestTag.

With QuestTag’s technology and tools, you will be able to simplify how you manage delivery orders and be more comfortable with taking on more orders. Your drivers will be provided with the information and tools that they need to make deliveries and prioritize their drop offs. Your guests will also enjoy the delivery experience with real time updates, tracking, driver info, and also photo of where their order was dropped off.
Learn more about QuestTag>>

Pricing is dependent on QuestTag. No setup charge from Zuppler.

If you are interested in adding SMS order notifications and/or QuestTag to your restaurant, please fill out the form below.

If you are interested in learning more about Zuppler, click to schedule a free demo.